Fully ISO C00L and IEC DO/P3 certified.
With Studio Soil, I made numerous simple and quite complex (WP) websites for my clients. Developing, deploying and updating on some hosting platforms can be a real hassle so I made my own Plesk hosting server.
Fahlberg – Rhythms for Sale EP
I’ve been trying to make a kind of futuristic and dark (cyberpunk) space without being too sciencefiction. A lot of time went into making it believable and a ‘living’ scene. Some cool details are: the Watergate logo on boxes, posters that have the track names, the brand of the fridges, the kick drum being used…
Rejected proposal #7 ‘Higher’
Rejected proposal for an EP called Higher. After some miscommunication, I made a more conceptual proposal with the gloves used in the Apollo missions. However, they meant Higher in a psychedelic way.
Jeremy Olander – Silius EP
Cover inspired on the 1990′ NES game ‘Journey to Silius’ Jeremy grew up with.
Rafael Cerato – Vocalizer
A musical Kuka industrial robotic arm playing an abstract eehhmm…